Dan Jarrard 3ABN Interview
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Because I grew up in a “Sunday-keeping” Christian church, a number of my family and friends have asked through the years since I became a “Sabbath-keeping” Christian, “Why do you now go to church on Saturday? What caused you to make the change?” None (that I am aware of) have questioned my Christianity status. But they have inquired into the reasons why a “Sunday-keeping” Christian who attended Bible Colleges and served as a pastor would adopt such a different practice from what I had been taught and had, in turn, taught to others. This book is a result of my answering that question: “Why?” As I share the reasons why I and millions of others have, do, and will continue to celebrate our relationship with Jesus in the uniqueness of “Sabbath-keeping,” please know that the sharing is done so in a true, honest spirit of being non-judgmental and non-critical of those who may not yet understand this uniqueness.

If you are a “Sabbath-keeping” Christian, I hope this book will serve to affirm that you travel a path that is worthy of understanding. Your path does not, in and of itself, make you a better Christian than “Sunday-keeping” Christians. But, at the same time, neither does it make you less of a Christian. If you are not a “Sabbath-keeping” Christian, I hope this book will serve to unfold the reasons why many have chosen and will continue to choose to travel a path that is different from yours and their choice is worthy of your understanding. Their path does not, in and of itself, make them a better Christian than you, as a “Sunday-keeping” Christian. But, at the same time, neither does it make them less of a Christian. Volumes – some often immense in size and scope – have been written on this subject. I have been impressed to keep it, as we say in the South, short and sweet.

Debates – some of them heavy and heated – have been waged on this subject. I have been impressed to refrain from such a spirit and rather just share why I am a “Sabbath-keeping” Christian. And so as I begin sharing why I am a “Sabbath-keeping” Christian, I begin with a prayer. Dear Heavenly Father. Please “let the words of my mouth, and meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” Amen. (Psalms 19:14).
   A Few Ways This Book Can Be Used:

* Assist new Sabbath-keepers to explain "why"
   to family and friends
* Church foyer material for visitors
* Evangelism Crusade handout
* Inquirer Class or Prayer Meeting Study Guide
* Community / area literature distribution
* FREE book offer on church website

Purchase this book @ http://www.sabbathkeepingchristian.com
The Three Angels'